REPAIRS & UPGRADES: In case of system malfunctions or outdated components, service Dutch Fire Protection perform repairs or recommend upgrades to enhance the system’s reliability and efficiency.
EMERGENCY LIGHTING PLANS: We can assist in the development of emergency lighting plans, which include detailed layouts and specifications for the installation of emergency lights and exit signs.
EMERGENCY EXIT SIGNS: Our Emergency lighting services include the installation and maintenance of illuminated exit signs to guide people to the nearest exits during emergencies.
LED LIGHTING SOLUTIONS: Many modern emergency lighting systems incorporate energy-efficient LED lighting to reduce energy consumption and improve the longevity of the system.
TRAINING: Dutch Fire Protection offer training for building occupants or staff on how to use emergency lighting systems effectively during evacuation procedures.
It’s essential for building owners and facility managers to work with qualified professionals who specialize in emergency lighting systems to ensure that these systems are in good working order. Compliance with safety regulations and standards is critical for the safety of occupants in the event of an emergency. Dutch Fire Protection can help you, simply give us a call today on 01427 801090.